Clarkson in the Community: Community Blood Center Drive
July 31, 2020
Clarkson in the Community: “Sign the Beam” Campaign Raises More than $90,000 for COVID-19 Relief Efforts
December 16, 2020
Members of the Clarkson team, in partnership with the greater Clark | Weitz | Clarkson joint venture team on the KCI New Terminal Project, helped local students start the school year off on the right foot by coordinating a school supply drive. Donations of backpacks, pens, pencils, crayons, notebooks, and folders came pouring in during the weeks leading up to the start of the fall semester. The team donned masks and gloves to participate in an assembly line to make sure that each of the nearly 200 backpacks would be stuffed with supplies before being delivered to the Morningstar Youth & Family Life Center for distribution into the community.
Morningstar, located on Kansas City's east side, has hosted numerous Build KCI events, including community outreach meetings and workshops; it is also home base for the Kansas City Strategic Partnership Program. In addition to their support of the Clark | Weitz | Clarkson team, Morningstar generously provides free resources to the surrounding community including food, tutoring, clothing, and counseling.
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Kansas City, MO 64120
(816) 483-8800