Cut, Fill, and Grading Underway on De Soto Progressive Design-Build Project
September 20, 2023
Video: Paving the Way at the KC Current Stadium
March 13, 2024
The De Soto Local Road Improvements Project team has been doubling down – literally – on progress this month, utilizing two paving crews working simultaneously to take advantage of the unseasonably warm February temperatures. In a single day, Clarkson crews placed more than 1,800 cubic yards of concrete pavement along West 103rd Street, making major strides toward the project's completion date later this year.
In the coming months, crews will continue placing concrete paving on Astra Parkway, Lexington Avenue, and West 103rd Street east of Astra Parkway; additionally, subgrade stabilization, base rock, and paving operations on West 103rd Street west of Astra Parkway, including the Edgerton Road roundabout, will begin this spring.
Since it's June 2023 groundbreaking, the project is making steady progress and remains on track for a late 2024 completion.