Clarkson Salutes Team Member’s Service
May 19, 2020
Clarkson Celebrates Women in Construction Week
March 8, 2021
Clarkson is a proud sponsor of several graduates of the Workforce Training Program, a portion of the Kansas City International Airport (KCI) New Terminal Project's Terminal Workforce Enhancement Programs (TWEP). Designed to create meaningful employment opportunities for Kansas City residents with little to no construction experience, the Workforce Training Program consists of three weeks of paid classroom training and direct entry into a prevailing-wage job upon graduation.
41 Action News recently checked in with Starla Potter, one of the nearly 50 graduates who have successfully completed the program to date. Starla is working on the KCI New Terminal Project as an operating engineer where she's been involved in the creation of the elevated roadway structure and mass site grading for the 6,300 space parking garage.
WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: https://rb.gy/ehpptk
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